Dr. Jeremy Roberts
Senior Pastor
My name is Jeremy Roberts, and I am a Christ follower, husband & father, as well as a pastor, avid reader & library builder, and student.
I have pastored churches of varying sizes, ranging from small, to medium, to large. I love God, and I love people. I pastor Farmington First and am so grateful to serve Christ as undershepherd of this wonderful flock.
My skillsets are in developing clear SYSTEMS, a fun and healthy CULTURE, and well-rounded TEAMS. I lean toward administrative angles of leadership, casting a big vision, then developing action plans to get there . . . all undergirded by PRAYER.
A lifelong learner, my academic background includes two masters' degrees and I am working on my second doctorate: Southwestern Seminary (M.Div., ‘07) and Liberty University (B.S., ‘05; M.A., ‘07; D.Min., ‘09; Ph.D., in progress).
I’m married to my college sweetheart, Charity, and we home-educate our two daughters.
"I love serving as pastor of Farmington First. Our community is growing so quickly. We must do whatever we can to reach the many people who make up Farmington and the surrounding areas. All for Jesus!"